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All Stars Cricket 2024…

All Stars Cricket 2024…

David Thompson7 May - 05:45
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…at Hartlepool Cricket Club! FREE Taster Sessions in May!!

As in previous years, the Junior Section of Hartlepool Cricket Club is running the ECB’s All Stars Cricket Programme. This is one of the ECB’s National Programmes which seeks to introduce children to cricket. It is open to girls and boys aged 5 to 8 years old.

In 2024, our All Stars Cricket Programme will be delivered on a Thursday evening at Park Drive, starting on 6th June, 2024 to 25th July, 2024. This year’s cost has been kept at £30.00. The sessions will be led by Chris Smith. For further information, please see the following link :

However, by way of providing a taster as to what All Stars Cricket is all about, Durham Cricket have kindly agreed to deliver some FREE all Star Cricket sessions. These will be delivered at Park Drive during the May half term on the following dates, :-

- Tuesday, 28th May, 2024 : 9am to 12noon; and
- Wednesday, 29th May, 2024 : 9am to 12noon.

A call to parents and carers! Why not pop down to Hartlepool Cricket Club on the 28th and 29th May, 2024 with your budding cricketers to see what All Stars is all about? The Clubhouse will be open too.

Any queries concerning our All Stars Cricket Programme, then please contact Chris Smith on : 07790308410.

Further reading