Safeguarding is a golden thread that runs through Hartlepool Cricket Club.
To support safeguarding within the Cricket Club, at its General Committee Meeting held on 30th May, 2024 the Committee resolved to introduce a new Online Safety and Social Media Policy. A copy of the newly introduced document is attached to this article. This document replaces the previous Social Media Policy.
All those involved with Hartlepool Cricket Club are requested to familiarise themselves with this important document, including players, members, employees and those who have been appointed to positions on the General Committee and the Committee of the Junior Section.
Parents and carers of Junior Members are asked to speak with their children about the new Policy. Hopefully, matters contained in the Policy will add to information that may have been shared with children at school about keeping safe when online.
In terms of posting matters on social media about cricket and Hartlepool Cricket Club, please be sensible about what is posted. As a general rule, if you wouldn’t say something to a person stood before you, then please don’t post those comments on social media!
The Policy also extends to live streaming too. Those who frequently attend Park Drive to watch cricket will have noticed the newly erected signs giving information about the live streaming of matches which is being undertaken via FrogBox.
If you have any queries about the Policy, then please contact Kathryn Semple in the first instance. Kathryn is Hartlepool Cricket Club’s Designated Safeguarding Officer. Kathryn can be contacted on 07775585980. Kathryn’s e-mail address is set out in the Policy.
For any queries regarding the live streaming of matches, please contact Brendan Baggs. He can be contacted on 07825782976. Again, his e-mail address is shown in the Policy.